- From the CEO
- Recent successes by our researchers
- Our congratulations to…
- Holiday period
- From the CEO
- Agilent aids researcher in quest for early detection of neurodegenerative diseases
- CRCMH Publico program: providing PhD students with consulting experience
- Our congratulations to …
- From the CEO
- Have your say on priority areas for future CRCs
- Holiday period
- From the CEO
- New research collaboration launched with the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute
- Knowledge exchange project with Mercy Health
- Publico Program
- Our congratulations to …
- From the CEO
- Holiday period
- From the CEO
- Free public event – ‘Diagnosing dementia, what does the future hold?’
- Cytox signs research agreement for collaboration to further refine diagnostic SNPs for Alzheimer’s disease
- Inaugural Australian Neurodegeneration and Dementia conference
- Our congratulations to …
- From the CEO
- Annual research conference
- Supporting World Parkinson’s disease day
- Australian science shines for Pfizer
- Our congratulations to …
- From the CEO
- 7 Tesla MRI project
- Early career researcher activities
- Our congratulations to …
- From the CEO
- Parliamentary breakfast
- Chief Scientific Officer wins Victoria Prize for science and innovation
- Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2014
- CRC case study in clinical data management
- From the CEO
- VicNode allocation for data storage
- Collaboration with Arcitecta
- Community outreach – embedding research in aged care
- Professional development – MBA in a day
- Our congratulations to …
- CRC Association newsletter
- Public event – Thinking ahead: Embedding research in aged care
- CRC / AIBL Research Conference
- Cogstate to provide new PhD scholarship
- Psychoses Program Coordinator appointment
- Submission to review of mental health services and programmes
- New students
- CRC / AIBL Research Conference
- Arcitecta and the CRC to improve the capture and management of data from clinical research
- Link found between Alzheimer’s and anaemia
- Early career researcher workshop
- CRC showcase
- Professional development: Smarter brain research in Australia
- From the CEO
- National Health and Medical Research Council Grants
- Community outreach – Science and Dementia
- Holiday period
- From the CEO – Research Translation Forum, 15 – 16 August 2013
- New research projects
- Parliamentary Secretary for Mental Health visit
- Bioinformatics initiative
- CRC for Mental Health biobanks
- Our congratulations to …
- Alzheimer’s world first
- Bipolar depression treatment trial recruiting
- Testosterone and fish oil trial for Alzheimer’s
- National Science Week 2013
- Professor Ralph Martins appointed an Officer in the Order of Australia
- Professor Christos Pantelis awarded prestigeous 2013 Robert Sommer medal
- A/Prof Simon Laws and Dr Stephanie Rainey-Smith recipents of Junior Faculity Award at ADPD conference
- 2012 annual research conference
- Early career researcher workshop
- Visit by The Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Mental Health and Ageing
- Student visits to Mercy Health
- Media – the promise and challenge of biomarkers for mental illness
- Podcast – Not just one thing, art, science and schizophrenia
- Outcomes from ‘Australia’s population: shaping a vision for our future’ Australian Academy of Science event.
- Highlights of the 2011/12 year
- Not just one thing – art, science and schizophrenia
- Hall and Prior wins Better Practice Award
- Science and policy
- Appointment of new independent directors, Ms Donna Staunton & Dr Kate Taylor
- Half-year research meeting, 19 April
- CRC awarded Inspiring Australia science communication grant
- Project profile: Biomarkers for psychiatric disorders
- Research & Standardisation in Alzheimer’s Disease conference (RASAD 2012)
- Submission to McKeon review of health & medical research
- India trade mission
- Appointment of Board members, Prof Ralph Martins, Mr Graeme Prior, Dr Daniel Grant
- National survey of people living with psychotic illness
- Profile: Lauren Kelly, Business Officer
December 2011 newsletter download (0.69MB)
- Introducing the executive team
- CRC for Mental Health officially launched
- Research projects for 2011/12
- A million for inaugural Chair in Aged Care, Prof Fran McInerney
- PhD scholarships for students